Weird School by Damian Callinan

Weird School by Damian Callinan

Author:Damian Callinan [Callinan, Damian]
Language: eng
Format: epub
ISBN: 9781760147389
Publisher: Penguin Random House Australia

A hammock instantly appeared. It was connected to nothing.

A couple of minutes after radioing on the Wrist Lab, Mark 2, Genevieve and Pippa were joined by the rest of the team.

Bree immediately started making daisy chains with the sumo wrestlers and an equally chilled version of herself. Real and Fake Jeanne-Clare exchanged recipes. Sahil was checking out the alternative Sahil, who was modelling a tiger onesie just like the one he had designed. Moses examined his replica looking for any flaws in the copy and the two Jaspers kept disappearing in and out of wardrobes.

Real Pippa was loving watching her friends play in the world of her imagination, so she started closing her eyes and thinking of fun things. She thought of a trampoline made out of pink marshmallow and when she opened her eyes, it was there. One after another, she conjured different things. A set of Derwents with 10,000 colours, a conveyor belt with a puppy of every breed in the world passing them and a giant Lego model of Harry Potter playing totem tennis with Shrek.

‘Pippa,’ Moses interrupted, as she created a cola fountain.


‘I think we need to go.’ He was looking at the screen of his Wrist Lab with a concerned look on his face.


‘I’ve been doing calculations and this place only exists because of you.’

‘Yes, that’s what Out-of-Bounds Pippa told me.’

‘But what she didn’t tell you is that the gateway only stays open for twenty-four hours from when you touched the sign,’ said Moses. ‘After that, everything that’s in here, stays in here.’


‘Including us!’

‘Oh! So that means,’ Pippa looked at her own Wrist Lab, Mark 2, ‘unless we get out of here in ten minutes, we’ll be stuck in here forever?’


‘EMERGENCY!’ Pippa screamed into her Wrist Lab. ‘Everyone, immediately stop what you’re doing and run as fast as you can to the Out-of-Bounds sign!’

They all stopped what they were doing.

Bree ceased braiding daisies into her new sumo wrestler friend’s hair.

Jeanne-Clare stopped taking selfies with herself.

The Sahils swapped scarves.

It wasn’t clear what Genevieve stopped doing, but Jasper definitely stepped in unicorn poo.

Then they all ran as fast as they could.

Crrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa craaaaaaaa!

The cry of a tyrannosaurus letting out a bloodcurdling scream stopped Pippa in her tracks.

Pippa turned to see the prehistoric beast destroying the half-drawn school.

The musicians scattered, dropping their instruments in a panic and the white-haired relief teachers threw away their soccer balls and ran in every direction as the angry giant lizard wreaked havoc on the unfinished school.

‘Keep running!’ Pippa screamed at her friends, who had all stopped to watch the carnage. All except for Bree. She was running straight for the tyrannosaurus! ‘Bree! No!’ Pippa warned, but Bree wouldn’t stop.

Just when it looked like Bree was about to be swatted aside by the rampaging beast, she stopped, aimed and fired the pacifying mist. In a heartbeat, the T-rex was asleep standing up.

‘Good job, Bree!’ congratulated Moses.

‘Something’s wrong,’ Pippa said. ‘The T-rex didn’t come from my imagination.’

‘No, it came from mine,’ Out-of-Bounds Pippa called out from her hammock.


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